So That Images Can Be Made (2024)
Featuring: Sterling, Moqui, Murdock, Max the Dog, and Cows of 'Q Performance Horses' in Clinton Corners NY
Partial Materials List
16MM Celulose Acetate, Polyester, Gelatin-Base Emulsion, Silver-Halide Crystals,
Fomapan 100R, Tri-X Reversal, Ektachrome Color Reversal, Leader
Hand Processing: D19, D76 (Cross Process), E6
Lomo Tank & Buckets
Bolex H16 Rex 5
Lenses: 10mm, 25mm, 75mm, Angenieux 9.5-55mm
Edited: Catozzo CIR M.2 Splicer/Guillotine, Rewinds and Tape
Eiki SSL II Projector Modified with Paper
Optical Sound
Black Ink on White Paper in Two Instances
Lights: Amaran 300c (With Spotlight Attachment) Set at 3700K
Max Patch Includes 24 Frequencies: 56, 58, 61, 63, 164, 178, 180, 185, 186, 190, 196, 293, 319, 329, 334, 361, 369, 436, 457, 2103, 2104, 11602, 11680
Reverb & Filtering
Max Patch Design in Collaboration with Joshua Alvarez Mastel
Thank You:
Marc, Becca, Marlow, Zoe, Jinjin, Eva, Bryce, Hazar, Michael (MBS), Bonnie, Alexis, Kelsey, Mallie, Maxine, and Everyone Whose Conversation, Conference and Commentary Has Shaped the Piece
Special Thank You:
Robbie, Candice, Sam & Quinn - For Facilitating A Beautiful Day With Sterling, Moqui & Murdock
Steve, Lucas & Jordan (MONO NO AWARE) - For Always Being Open to Teaching/Letting Me Experiment
Jeanne - For The Excellent Hand-Processing Workshop (Saint Tula always above)
Josh - For Your Wisdom and Help Through Every Step